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tal y como queda expresado en los apartados dos y tres

  • 1 expresar

    to express.
    es una sensación rara, no sé cómo expresarlo it is an odd feeling, I don't know how to express it
    quisiera expresarles mi más sincero agradecimiento I would like to thank you most sincerely
    Ella dijo la razón She said the reason.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to express
    2 (manifestar) to state; (comunicar) to convey
    1 to express oneself
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [al hablar] (=enunciar) to express; (=redactar) to phrase, put; (=declarar) to state, set forth; (=citar) to quote; [+ opiniones, quejas] to voice

    usted deberá expresar el número del giro postalyou should quote o give o state the number of the postal order

    2) [+ sentimiento] to show
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <ideas/sentimientos> to express

    expresó su descontentoshe voiced o expressed her dissatisfaction

    permítame expresarle mi más sentido pésame — (frml) please accept my deepest sympathy (frml)

    expresarse v pron to express oneself
    * * *
    = communicate, convey, couch, express, reflect, specify, voice, articulate, profess, phrase, word, give + voice to.
    Ex. The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
    Ex. Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.
    Ex. Now these requests are couched in a variety of ways which express differing approaches to information needs.
    Ex. In a SDI service the user specifies his own individual interest in detail, and these are then expressed in terms of a user interest profile.
    Ex. The schedules are divided into three main areas, as reflected in Figure 14.
    Ex. In a SDI service the user specifies his own individual interest in detail, and these are then expressed in terms of a user interest profile.
    Ex. The main criticism of the notation that has been voiced in that the notation for more specific subjects can be extremely long.
    Ex. From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.
    Ex. As a result, books or other media professing alleged blasphemy, heresy, sedition, or immorality are liable to be banned.
    Ex. The enquiry phrased in very broad terms almost always needs narrowing down.
    Ex. Research questionnaires should therefore be worded carefully while avoiding the use of the broad term.
    Ex. The agora has been resurrected in electronic form, giving voice to many.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * expresar afecto por = profess + affection for.
    * expresar agradecimiento = express + thanks, express + appreciation.
    * expresar amor por = profess + love for.
    * expresar angustia = express + Posesivo + anguish.
    * expresar aprecio = express + appreciation.
    * expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * expresar desacuerdo = register + disagreement.
    * expresar dudas = express + doubts, express + misgivings, voice + misgivings, voice + reservations.
    * expresar en términos = couch + in terms.
    * expresar gratitud = express + thanks, express + gratitude.
    * expresar ideas = express + thoughts, put over + ideas.
    * expresar irritación = express + irritation.
    * expresar la opinión = volunteer + view.
    * expresar la opinión de uno = make + Posesivo + feelings known, put + viewpoint across.
    * expresar la opinión de uno sobre = give + Posesivo + thoughts on.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * expresar los deseos de uno = make + Posesivo + wishes known.
    * expresar los sentimientos = release + feelings.
    * expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.
    * expresar miedo = express + fear.
    * expresar opinión = express + view.
    * expresar opinión (sobre) = express + opinion (on).
    * expresar + Posesivo + opinión = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar preocupación = voice + concern.
    * expresar preocupación por = express + alarm at.
    * expresar queja = voice + complaint.
    * expresarse = proceed.
    * expresarse en detalle = express + Reflexivo + at length.
    * expresar (según) = cast (in/into).
    * expresar sentimientos = echo + sentiments.
    * expresar temor = voice + fear.
    * expresar una opinión = voice + opinion.
    * expresar una opinión sobre = state + opinion on, venture + opinion on.
    * expresar una pregunta = couch + question.
    * expresar verbalmente = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * no saber expresarse bien = inarticulateness.
    * para expresar dimensiones = by.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <ideas/sentimientos> to express

    expresó su descontentoshe voiced o expressed her dissatisfaction

    permítame expresarle mi más sentido pésame — (frml) please accept my deepest sympathy (frml)

    expresarse v pron to express oneself
    * * *
    expresar (según)
    (v.) = cast (in/into)

    Ex: Which of the following subject analyses is cast in the citation order PMEST?.

    = communicate, convey, couch, express, reflect, specify, voice, articulate, profess, phrase, word, give + voice to.

    Ex: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.

    Ex: Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.
    Ex: Now these requests are couched in a variety of ways which express differing approaches to information needs.
    Ex: In a SDI service the user specifies his own individual interest in detail, and these are then expressed in terms of a user interest profile.
    Ex: The schedules are divided into three main areas, as reflected in Figure 14.
    Ex: In a SDI service the user specifies his own individual interest in detail, and these are then expressed in terms of a user interest profile.
    Ex: The main criticism of the notation that has been voiced in that the notation for more specific subjects can be extremely long.
    Ex: From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.
    Ex: As a result, books or other media professing alleged blasphemy, heresy, sedition, or immorality are liable to be banned.
    Ex: The enquiry phrased in very broad terms almost always needs narrowing down.
    Ex: Research questionnaires should therefore be worded carefully while avoiding the use of the broad term.
    Ex: The agora has been resurrected in electronic form, giving voice to many.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * expresar afecto por = profess + affection for.
    * expresar agradecimiento = express + thanks, express + appreciation.
    * expresar amor por = profess + love for.
    * expresar angustia = express + Posesivo + anguish.
    * expresar aprecio = express + appreciation.
    * expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * expresar desacuerdo = register + disagreement.
    * expresar dudas = express + doubts, express + misgivings, voice + misgivings, voice + reservations.
    * expresar en términos = couch + in terms.
    * expresar gratitud = express + thanks, express + gratitude.
    * expresar ideas = express + thoughts, put over + ideas.
    * expresar irritación = express + irritation.
    * expresar la opinión = volunteer + view.
    * expresar la opinión de uno = make + Posesivo + feelings known, put + viewpoint across.
    * expresar la opinión de uno sobre = give + Posesivo + thoughts on.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * expresar los deseos de uno = make + Posesivo + wishes known.
    * expresar los sentimientos = release + feelings.
    * expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.
    * expresar miedo = express + fear.
    * expresar opinión = express + view.
    * expresar opinión (sobre) = express + opinion (on).
    * expresar + Posesivo + opinión = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar preocupación = voice + concern.
    * expresar preocupación por = express + alarm at.
    * expresar queja = voice + complaint.
    * expresarse = proceed.
    * expresarse en detalle = express + Reflexivo + at length.
    * expresar (según) = cast (in/into).
    * expresar sentimientos = echo + sentiments.
    * expresar temor = voice + fear.
    * expresar una opinión = voice + opinion.
    * expresar una opinión sobre = state + opinion on, venture + opinion on.
    * expresar una pregunta = couch + question.
    * expresar verbalmente = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * no saber expresarse bien = inarticulateness.
    * para expresar dimensiones = by.

    * * *
    expresar [A1 ]
    ‹ideas/sentimientos› to express
    expresó su descontento she voiced o expressed her dissatisfaction
    permítame expresarle mi más sentido pésame ( frml); please accept my deepest sympathy ( frml)
    por las razones que se expresan a continuación for the following reasons, for the reasons shown o given o stated o set out below
    según los datos expresados más arriba according to the information given above o the above information
    estaba expresado de otra manera it was expressed o phrased o worded differently
    to express oneself
    perdón, no me he expresado bien I'm sorry, I haven't made myself very clear o I haven't expressed myself very clearly
    * * *


    expresar ( conjugate expresar) verbo transitivo
    to express
    expresarse verbo pronominal
    to express oneself
    expresar verbo transitivo to express: expresó ciertas dudas acerca de su capacidad, he expressed certain misgivings regarding his ability
    ' expresar' also found in these entries:
    - calificativo
    - como
    - estar
    - formular
    - no
    - poder
    - tener
    - tierra
    - venga
    - dar
    - hacer
    - ir
    - manifestar
    - opinar
    - at
    - embody
    - few
    - may
    - nix
    - profess
    - put
    - rephrase
    - should
    - sorrow
    - venture
    - verbalise
    - verbalize
    - argue
    - convey
    - express
    - phrase
    - voice
    * * *
    1. [manifestar] to express;
    quisiera expresarles mi más sincero agradecimiento I would like to thank you most sincerely;
    es una sensación rara, no sé cómo expresarlo it is an odd feeling, I don't know how to express it;
    tal y como queda expresado en los apartados dos y tres as stated in sections two and three
    2. [mostrar] to show;
    hechos que expresan por sí solos la hospitalidad de este pueblo incidents that speak for themselves about this people's hospitality
    * * *
    v/t express
    * * *
    : to express
    * * *
    expresar vb to express

    Spanish-English dictionary > expresar

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